Marg and Me (John Wardle)

Created by John 11 years ago
Marg and Me. Sorry we can’t be there to share the service with you but Gina and I treasure the moments we had with Margaret on our last visit. We will raise a glass or two in honour of a wonderful, caring person and her beautiful family. Margaret or Marg as I used to call her many years ago go back to pre- infant school days, (wow long time).Lots of memories of those times have been flooding into my mind of late all of which I will cherish for the rest of my days. I can still hear my mother “Margaret’s at the back door are you playing out” “yep see you, just be on the field or in the avenue” there Marg would be at the door armed with a cricket bat or a football or even a couple of Hurling sticks( presents from rellies in Ireland), closely accompanied by Skipper the dog. We would call on others to play, all boys of course but that didn’t bother Marg she was better than us all at sport anyway. Picking teams she was always selected first. Yes, she was a tom boy, but that didn’t matter to me she was my best friend. There are so many more childhood memories I can recall all of which I can take comfort in, raise a smile and often temper with a tear. Margaret and I have a unique friendship that has stood the test of time and although we have gone our separate ways throughout the years we still managed to keep in contact somehow. I will never forget you Marg, thanks for all those happy years. Adios my friend